[GUIDE] Installation of a black water tank for boat

[GUIDE] Installation of a black water tank for boat

To be in good standing with the regulations on marine toilets, all boats built since January 2008 must be equipped with a black water tank. This is a tank specially designed to collect the materials coming from the toilet. Whether you have a motor boat or a sailboat, it should be equipped with a Marine toilet with tank. In most ports and anchorages in Europe, it is in fact forbidden to discharge black water within three miles of the coast. The ban on discharging black water in certain maritime areas is practiced almost everywhere in the world. To navigate in peace, it is therefore recommended to comply with the marine toilet legislation. So how do you successfully install a black water tank for a boat? In the rest of the article, find out everything you need to know.

The equipment needed to install a wastewater tank

Before starting, you must have the right equipment. First of all, choose a black water tank adapted to the space available on your boat and to your needs:

Then, you will need a macerator grinder:

Note that there are black water tanks with integrated macerator. They are compatible with all electric and manual marine toilets:

You will also need a black water tank hose. In addition, we strongly recommend the installation of a odor filter. 

Finally, the tanks never include a probe. To know the filling level of the black water tank, it is essential to install a meter connected to a gauge. The Osculati kit has the advantage of having both with a universal holder for tank from 15 to 55 cm high (the sensors of the probe must be cut according to the height of the tank used.)

The tools necessary for the installation of a black water tank

Before starting to assemble your fuel tank Manual or electric marine toilet, check that you have the equipment manual. It must also be stored in a waterproof pocket and placed within easy reach for consultation in the event of a problem. Take your toolbox because you will need all of its contents throughout the installation of the tank. Make sure you have all sets of flat and Phillips screwdrivers, along with a marker, cutter, and flex clamp pliers. You also need a drill with the bits, as well asa hole saw for drilling pipe passages. All the accessories delivered with your black water tank for boat must be complete. Take the time to check if all the connecting pipes, as well as the clamps that go with them are there. If you have to tackle the installation of a black water tank for boats of a particular design, provide the appropriate tools. Be aware that installing this equipment can take you four to six hours. It all depends on the complexity of the clean water inlet and black water evacuation systems.

The steps in the assembly of a black water tank for a boat

To install a black water tank for a boat correctly, it is necessary to study its location. This avoids a lot of inconvenience in the event of subsequent malfunctions. You absolutely have to anticipate how to empty the black water tank when it is full. The tank can be placed above or below the waterline depending on space availability. The first step in the installation is therefore to choose the right location adapted to the size of the tank. After having located the ideal place, the assembly of a black water tank for boat proceeds according to the following steps:

  • Place the tank on its location using the fixing elements supplied by the manufacturer
  • Screw the inlet and outlet caps of the tank
  • Mark the passages of the pipes on each partition using a marker, taking care to calibrate the diameter of each pipe.
  • Drill the pipe passages with the drill or using a hole saw
  • Connect the vent and deck hoses
  • Install the drain pump and the drain hose to the through-hull
  • Connect the black water supply hose from the marine toilet

If the position of the black water tank is above the marine toilet, the installation of an anti-siphon elbow is recommended. The same is true if the bowl of your marine toilet and the tank are located below the waterline.

To complete the installation of a black water tank for a boat, check the solidity of the connections and install the various accessories: gauge, non-return valves, anti-odor filters, etc. The tank assembly steps may vary depending on the marine toilet model installed on your boat. For install marine toilets electric, for example, you need to mount a pump 12v macerator or 24v between the bowl and the black water inlet of the tank. If you have a Marine toilet with macerator, you can skip this step.

Problems frequently encountered when installing a black water tank for boats

On a small boat it is common to find a toilet marin manual or a Chemical marine toilet which is not connected to a black water tank. If you plan to install a tank on board, the main difficulty is finding the location. Be aware that there are small capacity tanks on the market that you can place horizontally or vertically in a tight space. Many boaters also face some problems when fitting a new tank in place of used equipment. the dismantling a marine toilet and its reservoir risks, in fact, causing damage that must be repaired. As part of a replacement, take all possible precautions not to damage certain structures of your boat. If you feel that the installation of a black water tank for boats is a fairly complex task, do not hesitate to call a professional installer.

Our advice for maintaining a marine toilet black water tank

Once the waste water tank is installed, it must be well maintained. It is recommended to use in the black water tank of the YACHTICON Purysan Ultra. It prevents the formation of unpleasant odors and breaks down feces and toilet paper.

In addition, it is recommended to clean the tank at least once a year before wintering. At this time, use YACHTICON Puryclean to clean and disinfect the black water tank. 

Learn more about marine toilets, chemical toilets and black water tanks:

MAINTENANCE: Cleaning a black water tank for boats

How to prepare the wintering of a marine toilet for a boat?

How to drain a marine toilet on a boat?