Contact Captain Ocean

Contact Captain Ocean

Send an email to the address below to write to Captain ocean. We will be happy to read your comments or partnership requests.

Your opinion interests us

We love to receive messages from our readers.

The Captain Ocean site is a source of information for those passionate about the sea. We hope that our guides and tutorials are useful for you in order to make the most of the ocean. Your feedback allows us to improve the quality of the site!

However, note that we receive a lot of emails. We therefore ask you to be patient. We respond in most cases within 15 days.

On the other hand, if you write to us for information on a particular subject, we advise you to first look for an answer on the site. In most cases, the solution has already been mentioned!

Our policy regarding collaborations

Are you a professional and your activity is similar to boating? You can write to Captain Ocean for a collaboration.

However, be aware that we only accept proposals that are in line with our editorial line. This means proposals that are beneficial to our readers. We only promote a product or service after having tested it ourselves and only if it seems relevant to us once the test has been carried out. If so, then we'll be happy to share it with our community.

99,9% of Captain Ocean's recommendations come from our personal experiences - not partnerships.

In addition, we can send a detailed media kit containing the statistics of this site. Ask for it and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Write to the email address below to contact us 

We will get back to you as soon as possible!